Flow Like A River
Amidst all the chaos of 2020, I experienced a good deal of flow through my own use of Feng Shui principles. Among the synchronistic opportunities that presented themselves was the production of a podcast with Matt Coldrick, a brilliant musician whose music I first encountered some 25 years ago. We met in London just a couple of years ago and hit it off and at that time discussed my Feng Shui practice – Matt has an interest in permaculture and lots of philosophical practices – and as the tide turned in 2020, it seemed an ideal time to have a recorded conversation about where energy, music, flow, philosophy, and Feng Shui all intersect.
It was a long and meandering conversation – a river that covered lots of territory through twists and turns – and is one of my favourites amongst the podcasts I’ve recorded.
Matt recently uploaded them to a SoundCloud account for easier listening off the app-based podcast sites – here are the links to the two parts of our conversation, interspersed with music from his album last year, Music for a Busy Head Vol. 2.
Enjoy the flow!